The alternative to passive crossovers is the use of an active crossover or electronic
The active crossover typically takes one or two inputs coming from the source and returns output, as many signals are the ways of the system to be amplified. Most Active crossovers are configurable within certain limits. A.D. eg. we can have a 4-way crossover + subwoofer but we can also set up 3-way + subwoofer, but there are many other variables to be considered case by case. All possible configurations require the need to use as many amps are the ways that we are using. Returning to the example above, if we set up a 4-way + sub will need 5 amps and in the case of the 3-way + sub it will be necessary 4. Of course, you can also use 4-channel amplifier, but without built-in crossover or crossover excludable.
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What does the use of active crossover
The possibility to vary, within certain limits and at any time, the crossover frequencies between the different speakers. Of course, this does not mean that every single day we have to change the settings according to our mood! Rather, it is facilitated the step of tuning even when, after a short period of listening, we wish to refine the timbre of the system.
The ability to use specialized amplifiers on the audio range that will be delegated to them. And 'common opinion, that each amplifier has its stamp and is capable of dealing with the best ease a part of the audio spectrum. Dividing the audio spectrum into three main parts, high-end, medium and low; It can be a winning choice to assign to each of the ranges considered an amplifier suited to reproduce it. Eg.Harman Kardon for midrange, Soundstream for high and Zapco range to low range, finally a nice HV16 for the subwoofer.
It 'easy to understand that choosing "active" involves a greater outlay of economic resources, but I want to reiterate a pure audiophile concept: active configurations in the quality of the final result depends on the choices made during the design phase.
In conclusion, the choice of the active configuration is valid but you must choose with skill all system components do not the last speaker that, indeed, are the choice of greatest difficulty. However, if you are thinking to buy double din car head unit then you can check this article.
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